


玛丽安B. Culhane

高级商业交易名誉教授, 银行法律及规例, 债权债务关系, 不动产担保交易

在爱荷华大学就读期间, Dean Culhane was a member of the Order of the Coif 和 recipient of the Iowa Bar Award of Merit. She joined the Creighton faculty in 1977 after serving as law clerk to the Honorable Donald P. 美国第八巡回上诉法院法官,并在奥马哈执业. She has served on the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Law School Foundation 和 Board of Directors of the Omaha Legal 援助 Society.

Professor Culhane and Professor 麦克拉白 were the principal investigators for a nationwide empirical research project on reaffirmation practice in bankruptcy with grants from the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges 和 Nebraska State Bar Associations Bankruptcy Section. Professors Culhane and White also drew national attention in 1999 with their empirical research on individual Chapter 7 debtors.  当时, VISA and other national consumer creditors alleged that at least 33% of individual debtors filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy actually had the means to pay a substantial part of their debt, and thus should be required to make payments over 5 years in Chapter 13 rather than getting a discharge in 1 year or less.  Culhane and White built a random sample database of 1041 actual Chapter 7 cases from across the nation, 并对该样本进行了经济状况调查.  他们发现最多3.这些实际债务人中有6%将被提议的经济状况调查排除在第七章之外.  美国会计总署对这项研究进行了详尽的审查, 是谁认可了Culhane和White的方法和结果. Their means-testing study was supported by a research grant from the American Bankruptcy Institute. 国会没有采纳VISA提出的改革建议. 在2003年的夏天和秋天, Culhane教授曾在亚历山大任职, 维吉尼亚州, 美国破产学会访问学者. 

Professor Culhane became Dean of 皇冠体育博彩大学 法学院 in 2010 and previously served as Interim Dean from July 2007 to June 2008. 她于2015年5月从院长和教授职位上退休. 卡尔汉院长为皇冠体育博彩大学法学院的学生推出了一项速成课程, 允许他们在整整两年的时间内完成法律教育, 在其他一年级新生秋季开学之前,先在夏天上课, 在他们满一年后的夏天. 这种选择一直延续到现在.

  • B.A. (1968),卡尔顿学院
  • J.D. (1974),爱荷华大学




在皇冠体育博彩大学法学院就读期间, Professor Dickhute ranked third top oralist in the regional Jessup International Moot Court Competition, served on the Domestic Moot Court Board and as a representative to the Student Bar Association. She served as a law clerk to the Honorable Leslie Boslaugh and Chief Justice William Hastings, 内布拉斯加州最高法院. Previously she was associated with the Omaha firms of Kutak Rock and Steier, Rogers and Pistillo. She previously taught in the Legal Assistants Program at Metropolitan 社区 College in Omaha, 在那里她被Phi Theta Kappa授予杰出教师奖, 两年制大学的全国学术荣誉协会. She has been a guest lecturer for the Nebraska Association of Legal Assistants in the areas of recent changes in Nebraska bankruptcy practices and career researching and interviewing. She has conducted continuing education seminars for real estate agents and brokers in the area of foreclosures.

作为主管职业发展的副院长, Professor Dickhute placed second and third year law students in legal positions with not-for-profit entities to gain valuable legal experience, and worked with the Career Development Office creating educational programs to help students develop their job hunting  and networking strategies. Dickhute教授于2016年退休,并晋升为名誉法学教授.



From 1969-1972 Professor Fenner was a trial attorney in the Honors Law Graduate Program with the United States Department of Justice. 1970年,他获得了美国诺贝尔奖.S. 律政司特别成就奖. 他于1972年加入皇冠体育博彩法学院.

芬纳教授是内布拉斯加州律师协会的前任主席. He is a member of the Nebraska Supreme Court Committee on Practice and Procedure 和 House of Delegates of the Nebraska Bar Association, 也是美国法学院协会证据部的前任主席. 芬纳教授获得了1992年内布拉斯加州律师基金会颁发的闪光奖. 他经常在律师继续教育项目上发表演讲, 法官, 以及他们的支持人员. 除了撰写大量文章之外, he has also published a number of pieces of “editorial whimsy” in a variety of popular papers and magazines. 内布拉斯加州最高法院实务与程序委员会记者, Professor Fenner has primary responsibility for Nebraska’s pattern jury instructions for civil trials, NJI2d文明.,是nji2文明年度增刊的作者. (西). 芬纳教授于2019年退休.

  • B.A. (1965),堪萨斯大学
  • J.D. (1969),密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校





Before joining the Creighton law faculty Professor Mahern was the Director of the Elder Law Clinic at Thurgood Marshall 法学院 in Houston, 从1985年到1992年. Prior to becoming involved in clinical education she was a legal services attorney in Texas from 1983-1985, 1980年至1982年在印第安纳州专攻消费者法, 专攻家庭法. 她在《皇冠体育》上发表了关于老年人法律问题的文章. 她指导并教授皇冠体育博彩大学法学院亚伯拉罕法律诊所. 马赫恩教授不能回答法律问题.

  • B.S. (1975),普渡大学
  • J.D. (1980年)印第安纳大学法学院-印第安纳波利斯


肯尼斯·J. Melilli

刑法名誉法学教授, 盘问, 刑事诉讼程序, 证据, 谈判, 侵权行为, 审判小组

毕业于纽约大学法学院, 梅利利教授是威廉·C. 康纳在纽约南区联邦地方法院被起诉. 他曾在华盛顿特区担任助理联邦检察官.C.然后是佛蒙特州的拉特兰. 在加入皇冠体育博彩法学院之前, 他是奥尔巴尼法学院的法学教授, 1987-2000年他在哪里教书.

  • B.A. (1976),耶鲁大学
  • J.D. (1979),纽约大学法学院




就读迪肯大学期间, 迪恩·皮尔森是律师协会和《皇冠体育》的成员. 他是助理司法部长, 环境资源部, for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania from 1972-1976; attorney for the Office of General Counsel, United States Environmental Protection Agency from 1977- 1979; and Associate Chief Counsel for the Presidents Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island in 1979-1980. 他于2012年7月成为行政和财务副院长. 皮尔森教授于2015年退休.

  • B.A. (1968), J.D. (1972),杜肯大学
  • LL.M. (1977),乔治华盛顿大学






在皇冠体育博彩法学院就读期间, Volkmer教授是Alpha Sigma Nu的成员,也是the 法律评论. 1968-69学年,他在伊利诺伊大学担任助教. 他于1969年加入皇冠体育博彩大学. 在1975-1976学年休假期间, 他是密歇根大学库克学院的研究生. 他为《皇冠体育博彩》写过文章 克雷顿法律评论 和 爱荷华法律评论. He is a member of the House of Delegates of the Nebraska State Bar Association and is an Academic Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel. 十年来,他撰写了一个题为“最近的受托决定”的专栏 遗产规划杂志. Professor Volkmer led or co-led law school students on an immersion trip to the 多米尼加共和国 regularly since the trip was founded. His sense of service and faith is profound and his actions inspire new generations to follow his example. 多米尼加共和国之行是沃尔克默教授遗产的一部分, 和 Law School and 皇冠体育博彩大学’s Division of 任务 and Ministry renamed the law school’s DR trip to the 罗纳德·Volkmer 多米尼加共和国 Immersion Trip. 沃尔克默教授于2016年退休.

  • B.A. (1966), J.D. (1968),皇冠体育博彩大学;
  • LL.M. (1973)伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校




拉尔夫U. 威顿


惠顿教授于1977年加入皇冠体育博彩法学院. He was law clerk to the late Honorable James Braxton Craven of the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit from 1969-1970; a teaching fellow at Harvard Law School from 1970-1972; and a professor at the University of South Carolina 法学院 from 1972-1977. 他与兰德尔·布里德威尔教授合著了《皇冠体育博彩》(D.C. Health 1977); with Professor Larry Teply, Civil Procedure (Foundation Press 1994); and with Professors Luther McDougal and Robert Felix, 美国冲突法:案例与材料(3d版). 米奇/词汇1998). 他还为《皇冠体育》撰写文章, 阿肯色法律评论, 缅因州法律评论, 黑斯廷斯宪法季刊, 孟菲斯州立法律评论, 克雷顿法律评论, 北卡罗来纳州法律评论, 和杜克法律杂志.

  • B.A. (1966), J.D. (1969),得克萨斯大学
  • LL.M. (1972年),哈佛大学法学院
